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Independent Actuarial information Analytical Centre (IAAC)

 The Independent Actuarial Information Analytical Centre (an autonomous non-profit organization) was created in 2000 year with support of the Moscow Public Science Foundation (MPSF) and at the expense of money granted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was set on the basis of the Actuarial Information Analytical Centre which was a Bauman Moscow State Technological University affiliate since 1996.

 The Center provides consulting/research service to the private sector (mostly insurance companies, non state pension funds/pension schemes); conduct independent analytical studies of the social and economic situation in Russia and develop, on the basis of their findings, suggestions on government economic policy at Federal, regional, and local level and the formation of civil society in Russia. It is the country’s only nongovernmental organization dealing in actuarial examination of the more important draft laws regulating the sphere of social and economic relations and insurance.

 In the field of insurance Independent Actuarial Informational Analytical Center provides consulting support in a wide range of methodological issues including products development, pricing, valuations (both statutory and US GAAP), profit testing, modelling, preparing of illustration materials; analysis of profitability by products, by lines of business and by agency; preparing of reinsurance programs/contracts, preparing of license documents, preparing of business plans, statistical data analysis and the like. The Center also provides wide range of support to occupational retirement schemes, including Employers’ Accounting for pensions in accordance to International and US GAAP standards. Among our clients are some of the leading Russian insurance companies including AIG Russia, ROSNO, Sogaz, Progress Garant, Russian offices of Swiss Re and ING.

 The Centre is accredited by the Ministry of Industry, Science, and Technologies of the Russian Federation as a scientific organization and is a member of the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT). It has also passed through accreditation at the Non-State Pension Fund Inspectorate.